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b&w images (logos) converted to PDF detected as color??

Registered: Sep 27 2007
Posts: 4

Hello, I am having a problem with our documents that have b&w (greyscale) logos that when converted are detected as color pages (using Papercut) when printed. How can I ensure that when I convert b&w logos/images that Acrobat is not embedding them as CMYK images??

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Hi fboyz99,

Can you provide more background on your issue (i.e., what product are you creating PDFs from, operating system, etc.)? Have you tried using pre-flight tools to determine color characteristics of the logo? Have you tried using any of the PreFlight tools (Advanced --> Preflight) in Acrobat Pro. to convert the logos to grayscale?Keep us posted,

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Sep 27 2007
Posts: 4
Hello Lori,

Thank you for your response to my question and apologies for not including additional information.

Operating system: Windows XP
Programs: Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.09, MS Word 2003.

Situation: I have a document with a black and white logo inserted (eg. a letter with corporate logo). I use the convert to PDF button within MS Word. There is no preflight options for that button.

I have not used the preflight tools in Acrobat, is there a simple settings to ensure that the conversion to b&w/greyscale is always on??Thanks for your help