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Registered: Jan 11 2007
Posts: 6

When printing a package, the collation check box does not work. I print x number of copies of the whole package and it printsx number of the first file then x number of the second, and so on. I have forced the Host Collation already but it has not helped.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8, Windows
Registered: Dec 31 2005
Posts: 848
If you use File > Print > Print All Documents, Acrobat prints the first file collated (if you select the Collate option), then proceeds to the second file and prints all pages (again collated).If you want to print all document pages in all the package contents, the best way to handle it is use the Combine Files task button and combine files into a single PDF.


The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.