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Color management settings

Registered: May 29 2007
Posts: 2

Hello. I am working on an archiving-related project dealing with born-digital design data (e.g., architect’s drawings, renderings, etc.). One of our topics of interest is color management.

Acrobat’s ‘Adobe PDF Settings’ dialog box lets you choose color conversion settings. Can you advise on which settings are most appropriate for a designer who is preparing a born-digital (not scanned or from camera) file – not knowing what the future output/presentation method will be?

In ‘Color Management Policies’, it seems that the preferred option would be to select ‘Tag Everything for Color Management’. This would convert nothing but tag everything, right? When is it appropriate to select ‘Tag Everything…’ vs. ‘Convert All Colors to sRGB’?

Thanks for your help.
Registered: Sep 24 2005
Posts: 252

You seem to be on the right track. Tagging the objects does change their apperance depending on the way in which they are displayed - without changing the actual colour space of the objects behind as such.

The way to go is generally keepiing everything in its native space and then deciding last minute. This applies to the new PDF/X-4 format also ...


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