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Comments, how do get them to not print on seperate pages?

Registered: Jul 22 2008
Posts: 3

I have a PDf that has 100+ photos in it and it has been marked up with comments. I would like to print these comments but the problem is that there are only one or two commetns every so often through out the document. I believe I have 39 pages when i want to print "comments only" and i see that there are only one or two comments on each page.

Is there any way to get the comments to just list with out seperating on to pages. If I could print out something simular to the way it looks in the comment tab that would be ideal.

I am working with Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Pro Version 7.0.8

Thanks for any help.

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi bvmclaughlin,

This subject has come up here a few times now but unfortunately there is no option in Acrobat's user interface to accomplish getting all the comments on one page like you want. See these other threads-

You can create a custom report with JavaScript as mentioned in some of the threads above, which also means you need some bit of skill with Acrobat JavaScript. If this is something you do on a regular basis, it is possible to create a custom toolbar button that will generate the report for any open document with one click- again this would require some scirping skills, but its doable.

Hope this helps,
