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Editing Images and Resolution Issues

Registered: Sep 14 2008
Posts: 4

I recently acquired a job to edit PDFs that will eventually print. They came to me at approximately 300k. The edits needed new info, for example, logos or addresses. (I was unable to complete the edits in version 8 Prof.) I used Photoshop CS 3 to import the file at 300dpi (knowing the work will print I went high.) I created the edits in layers and then flattened. When I replaced the page with the new edited page my resolution was around 2mgs. This is too high so I optimized using the default (average down sampling to 150dpi if images are over 225dpi) and got the file back down to approx 300k. Unfortunately now the page looks like the file is interpolating pixels. (Looks very chewed up where the text is concerned although images look fine.)

I need to reduce the higher quality image version to a smaller size while retaining the quality of the original. Any suggestions on how to proceed?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Macintosh
Registered: Aug 11 2008
Posts: 72
Try opening the pdf files in adobe illustrator instead of photoshop and make the edits in illustrator. When you flatten an image in photoshop all text gets converted to pixels which makes characters fuzzy and not as sharp as when the fonts are embedded.
Registered: Aug 11 2008
Posts: 72
Also, see what I posted on this topic (link below). That may help you reduce the file size of your pdf without loosing any resolution.