I've recently got a colour proof of a book I'm designing, where some cut-out images have a faint, ghosted box around them.
Not all cut-out images display this faint box, but all of them are sitting on top of colored backgrounds.
The colour proof was printed from a pdf that was created with InDesign CS3 on an iMac.
I've used 'High Quality Print" as my Adobe PDF Preset.
I use Acrobat Professional 8.1.6
These faint, ghosted boxes are not visible in the pdf on screen, they are only visible on the printed page.
I've also noticed that the same cut-out image can behave differently on different backgrounds.
Can you help?
Sambodhi Prem
Oparau, New Zealand
In Acrobat Pro's Preflight menu you can search for different color spaces, transparency, etc. using the analysis section - or of course convert the document to /X-1a and try proofing it again. Your printer will also be able to advise what's likely to be going on, and will hopefully be able to test just one page with your new settings.