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FAQ - Which way should I make my PDFs in Quark/InDesign?

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636

Both Adobe InDesign® and Quark Xpress can use Adobe Acrobat 8 to generate a PDF file using Distiller. This involves generating a PostScript file from the source application and then dropping into Distiller with the desired job setting for correct output.

Another way would be to ‘Print’ to the printer called ‘Adobe PDF’. This produces a PDF in exactly the same way as the previous example but using a back-door.

Finally Adobe InDesign® uses core Adobe® technology for exporting content to PDF directly - without the requirement for Acrobat Distiller. Just select Export from InDesign® and then the desired job setting (please see [url=]What settings do I use to make my PDFs[/url]) and the PDF is generated and can open in Acrobat automatically.

This FAQ was written by [url=]AUC Expert Jon Bessant.[/url]

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for