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High Speed print setting on a Mac

Registered: Aug 5 2009
Posts: 2

I'm duplex printing a two-page pdf from my Mac and it's running very slowly. Under "Printer Features," "General 2," I changed "Color Setting" to "Off" (as opposed to "Fine" or "Super Fine"), so that it's not using too much memory or ink, but it still prints slowly. When a co-worker prints the same duplexed pdf from his Windows pc, he chooses an option under "Print Priority" on the "Print Quality" tab called “High Speed,” and the pdf prints much more quickly. I can't find equivalent settings in my Options.

Is there a way to print in High Speed setting from my Mac? Please?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.3, Macintosh
Registered: Sep 24 2005
Posts: 252
Hi there darsey123,

I can see a setting on my end but just upgraded to Snow Leopard so not 100% sure it's the same for you? I select my printer and then select 'Copies and Pages' drop down to 'Scheduler' which has the 'Priority' as 'Urgent' option.

Hope this helps?

All the best,


I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999