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How to change the background?

Registered: Jan 15 2010
Posts: 2

How I can change the background on this document... I tried Edit - Preferneces - Accessibility but there is no change... what to do?


Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi there anaaa,

[url=]hidrogeologija krsa.pdf[/url]

The PDF file was created out of MS PowerPoint.
The content author ([i]tatjana[/i]), of the PowerPoint file, established the blue background, the colored fonts, et al. in the PowerPoint file.
To change what is you must obtain the PowerPoint file and edit it to establish the desired background,
font type, size, color, weight, etc.
Or, ask "tatjana" to re-master the PowerPoint file and output a PDF from it.Because PDF is, fundamentally, an "end destination" with regards to page content, layout, and format
there is, effectively, no editing possible. Minor touchups yes. Major editing, no.

But, that *is* the basic idea of PDF & it is appeal and power, eh?fwiw, a quick look-see of the PDF's structure tree leaves a favorable impression...

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jan 19 2010
Posts: 4
Actually, daka's answer is only partially correct. There are still plenty of fixed and tricks you can apply to remove and replace that blue background but you'll need Acrobat Pro and a layout program to work the magic.

Daka is correct that it's easiest if you just work on original PowerPoint file.
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
you need photoshop (elements is okay). use menu: file > automation tools > multi-page pdf to psd. each pdf page will be exported to a psd (photoshop navtive format). open each psd. use photoshop's menu: enhance > adjust color > replace color. read tutorial. keep track of values. apply color replacement to each page as needed. save each page file as pdf. then with acrobat (any version) reassemble the PDFs (merge files to a single pdf). here's a before/after example in one file:*UnQw5euK*4xcLg