Hi, I am a bookscanner and scan pages with digital cameras on my book scanner; I then process the pages in Adobe Lightroom 3 and Scan Tailor, followed by compilation of the images in Acrobat to produce a .pdf eBook. Recently I was able to figure out how to use "Preflight" to separate text and images into layers, and this does exactly what I needed, which was to remove the background image and leave only the text visible on a white background as I toggled "off" the "image" layer. So here's my problem:
Most of the books I scan are only text, but some have images that I want to keep visible in the final eBook. However, I never want to have visible the "background" or the actual paper book page from the original scanned file. The problem is that when I toggle-off the image layer to remove the unsightly background to produce a clean white background, the other "images" become invisible as well. In the book I'm currently working on, the part I want to keep is musical score selection, which consists of text, vector images, and regular image layers (background and musical notes). I wonder if there is a selection tool or something that would allow me to select the musical score as something I want to keep and put it on a totally separate layer AND still be able to remove the unsightly/gray background from the musical score/that new layer?
"Layers" has allowed me to attain about 90% success with this eBook project and others like it, but finding the answer to this particular question would allow me to attain 100% of my desired result as some books do contain multiple/separate images. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
If needed, I can email you a sample page to better understand my dilemma.