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Optimum Compressions for v large images

Registered: May 18 2007
Posts: 6

File Compression. I produce interactive PDF's of luxury international properties for on screen A4 presentation.
Typically running between 20-25 pages, the PDF's feature full page images + copy + logos floorplans and maps generated from very large TIFF files (to 75mb).
While the resolution quality of the onscreen presentation is critical, it is also important to keep the files beneath 2.5mb
As each image varies considerably I spend many many hours in compressing, resizing images in photoshop and retesting sizes.
1) Is there a set of image optimisation standards to assure the best compression/resolution,
2) A way of viewing the sizes of individual pages from within Acrobat.
3) A way of compressing individual pages within acrobat
4) A way of retaining Javascript additions through Acrobat's internal optimisation
5) I have also asked separately if there is a way of introducing limited formatting eg Bold, New Line to the emails and forwarded email generated from with the PDF's
Many thanks in advance for your assistance.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Look under the "Advanced" menu in Acrobat and select either "Pre-Flight" or "PDF Optimizer". You should also look at the "Print Production" toolbar. All have options for resampling images and doing color conversions. Acrobat 8 has the most advanced options in this area.

No, you can't do compression on a single page. But you could extract it, optimize it, then reinsert.

If you don't want Optimization to delete JS then uncheck the box for removing scripts.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script