I recently reported an Acrobat 8 PDF font display problem. I now found out that this problem wasn't so much Acrobat istself (though older versions had no problem with it), but it seems to be a specific font, Swiss, that is causing a display problem.
The PDF's we are processing and redistributing are up to 6 years old, and many of them contain this font. The page layout application they were made with doesn't even exist anymore.
Anyway, to cut a long story short: we are looking for a batch routine, that would check PDF's for the use of this specific font, and sift these PDF's out and set them aside. This would have to be done WITHOUT having to open all of these PDFs, because in time, we will have to handle over a thousand of them. Any suggestions on how to do this? Or does anyone know a workflow application that could handle this task?
Rudi Geerts
Easy Company Creatives