Have a client that needs the print files as PDF/X-1a:2001 .
I normally just upload a PDF or flattened TIFF for print production.
When I try to open the PDF in Acrobat 7 Prof, and pre-flight as PDF/X I get a default error saying that "uses color other than 4c or spot". I have checked my original PSD file several times, and it's CMYK...I've read all the "help" I can find on this and nothing seems to jump out as solution.
Can anyone tell me what gives on a work around to this so I can get the file out to the client.
are you saying that you open the PDF/x-1a file in Adobe Photoshop - or are you saying that you have a Photoshop file, then save as a PDF, using the PDF/X1a preset ?
Or, are you saying that you have a CMYK image that you saved as a PDF file from Adobe Photoshop - and then, when you use the Preflight tool in Acrobat 7, you get this "uses color other than 4c or spot"...
Are you doing anything to that PDF (like - in Acrobat, going under that Tools menu, selecting Print Production and cascade selecting "Add Printer Marks", for example ?)
otherwise, email me an example to michaelejahn [at] gmail [dot] com and I will take a peek...if it is too large to email, send me a private email and I will send you FTP details
Michael Jahn
Application Support Specialist
Compose Systems Inc, USA.
4740 Northgate Blvd. Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Tel: (916) 920-3838 ext 102
Fax: (916) 923-6776
Email: michaelejahn [at] composeusa [dot] com
Web: www.composeusa.com