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Paul G
Registered: Oct 7 2009
Posts: 2

Hello, is this the correct area to be posting questions about Preflighting?

I have Acrobat Professional 7 currently at work. I will be required to start Preflighting lots of files being submitted to me from various design agencies, then they will be uploaded to a catalogue and when an item is ordered it is sent to a printer who will print from the print ready PDF.

Problem is I don't know a great deal about Preflighting and this is a very resposible activity so I need to ensure it is done correctly.

My biggest fear is not understanding what the error messages mean when they come up after execution of the preflight.

Can anyone offer any advice on this please?

Many thanks

Registered: May 18 2007
Posts: 10
Hi Paul,

do you happen to know it the PDF files have to follow a specific PDF-Standard, like PDF/X-1a? In Acrobat 7, there are some predefined Preflight profiles for Magazine Ads. I'd recommend to start with them. I also learn a great deal about correct PDF generation and preflighting at the Ghent PDF Workgroup Website at

The only issue you might run into is that you are using "old" preflight profiles that were done based on the GWG spec V2 (in the meantime we are at V4). Meaning you might get preflight errors that are none issues in nowadays workflows. Unfortunately, newer profiles are only available for Acrobat 8 and Acrobat o (Pro version).

Best you start preflighting files and post questions if you do not understand the result.

Best regards
Peter Kleinheider
callas software GmbH
Co-Chair of specification subcommittee at GWG


Peter Kleinheider
callas software GmbH
Co-Chair specifications subcommittee at GWG