I don't know if anyone can answer this question, but we create Postscript then Distilled PDFs from a typesetting system. At some point in the process, we do page corrections, and replace pages using Acrobat. When we put some files through Preps, even if a "Save As" has been done, logos can get replaced. In this case it was one logo. Vendor claims it has something to do with XObjects. Can anyone shed light on what is happening? Should the workflow be just to save new postscript out of the typesetting system instead of replacing pages? Is this a bug somewhere along the line that has been fixed with a certain version of Acrobat? Not sure what version our team is using to replace pages, but it is probably 7.
Would this Xobject resource be something Miles is doing or Acrobat? We had a big spoil due to a logo on a job. PDF and digital were fine, image swapped once they used the CREO RIP and the job printed with logo mistake.
Hi Jace,
I’m not sure if you can answer this question or not. But does Miles use Xobject resources when placing and saving images? Kodak (they bought Creo) says that Preps will do this if the created PDF uses Xobject resources. I have no idea what that means.
Use of Acrobat’s Document menu -> “Replace Pages…” feature. This is how we do correction pages, in order to reduce introducing other possible problems, such as reflow occurring elsewhere, and to work with pages that have had PDF files grafted onto page using PageLet.
Original output from Miles. Does not have replaced pages.
This file works fine. What’s the difference?
Hello Mike,
Please run this PDF through the imposition software, and let us know if the problem reoccurs.
The digital proof is correct. It’s when we put it in the plate imposition that it goes bad. It’s not the same as CORS. With CORS we could do a SAVE AS and that would clean up the file. It didn’t work on this one. We had to print the postscript file and re-distill it to make it come out correctly.
Did it do this on the digital they saw? I have Jace looking into this.
Is it the same problem we had with CORS where the images were moving around?
There is something in the base postscript programming from the Miles file that is writing the logo wrong at the Plate Imposition. Every time we rip the file for plates the page comes out with the incorrect logo. When we take the Miles file, save it out as a postscript file and then re-distill it, the logo then comes out correctly in the plate imposition. Maybe Jim can look into how Miles writes the postscript file, but the mistake takes place when that file is imposed for plate. We should have caught this when plates were QC’d or a rule-up.
Looks fine to me, perhaps Mike needs to look into this.
We have a major problem with the program book. Page 15, the sponsorship page, has the same logo (Biotronik) in two different locations making the Emerald location wrong. Based on the proofs that came to us, this was not an issue, all logos were in the correct locations, so somewhere this logo was transposed into this position and distorted in the process, eliminating the Medtronic logo totally.
Xobjects takes a single image/page, and re-uses it as many times as is needed...so it looks like that re-use is pointing back to the original page with the previous logo.
I do not see any settings to disable Xobjects during distilling. So, unless you use the feature regularly in the originating software that produces the PS file, why not disable XObjects there? Or ask the vendor to help you disable it. The only downside is you get fatter PS files if an image is re-used several times in a file or on a page. Sounds like a small price to pay.
I know of no other way of "stripping-out" the XObjects command from the PS file before distilling, except perhaps some preflight software (even a legacy software like FlightCheck) that may offer that function. Hope this helps.