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Print to Adobe Acrobat from a Mapping Software

Registered: Jul 11 2007
Posts: 2

Hi All,

I'm having no lack on this project. I have a mapping software called BusinessMAP from ESRI. I need to output the map created in this program to a 3' x 4' map in a pdf format so that I can have this produced at a Kinko or similar stores.

I've messed with the settings all day and finally got it to look just the way I want it in Print Preview. However, when I hit Print, it will go through 80% of the way and got stuck on "Creating...."

I've done these at least 10 times today. It crashed my computer each time.

Can someone tell me if it sounds like a problem with Acrobat or my mapping software? Thanks!!


Registered: Aug 7 2007
Posts: 3
this is only a stopgap solution but it might get you out of a mess. You can print to image in PDF which converts the entire file into one big bitmap. Though it produces HUGE files (especially if you're going 3'x4') it tends to just plough through them and is one of my last resort solutions.
Just go to the advanced tab in acrobat print dialog and tick the checkbox. This will make acrobat render the file to raster within the printing process and will make all text raster too (so you won't be able to select any text). Please note, you only really need to print to about 100dpi unless you are printing REALLY high resolution.
Realise I'm a bit late but this may help someone in the future.