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Printing colour image in Reader 8.0 of a corporate logo (Postscript)

Registered: Jul 25 2007
Posts: 6

I am having trouble printing a corporate logo in Adobe Acrobat reader 8.0.

I am printing in colour to a Postscript printer with the corporate logo in the top left hand corner of the document.

When I print this document to a postscript printer in colour, the corporate logo appears coloured out. When I print in black and white there is no issue. This document printed correctly in Reader 7 and I have tried to upgrade to 8.1 but this has not resolved the issue.

The image prints ok in a pcl printer but these are not available to everybody. The document prints ok as an image, but as this takes longer it is not a solution either. Reader 8 should allow to print to a postscript printer in colour with no change tot eh corporate logo.

Anybody with any solutions?

Registered: Jul 25 2007
Posts: 6
PS. We are using HP and Konica print devices.
Registered: Jul 25 2007
Posts: 14
I write a catalog in WORD 2000. it's 6 X 10 so I set page size in word to 6 X 10.

In distiller I change the pdf settings ro custom page size 6 X 10; but distiller keeps change the page size to letter.

Can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I truly need to get distiller to show the correct 6 X 10 page size.

Thanks for any advice or information.
