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Printing pages 1 and 2 on one sheet of paper

Registered: Jul 13 2009
Posts: 5

I'm new to this forum - actually to Acrobat, too. I THINK my understanding of the directions, that for example a 4-page document can be printed on 1 sheet of paper, i.e., pages 1 and 2 [reduced in size] on the front and pages 3 and 4 similarly reduced in size on the back.

If this is true, can someone give me directions in words of one syllable how to do it? I have 81 documents that need to be printed for setting up committees, but that don't necessarily need to be top quality print.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.0.9, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Yes and no - placing several pages on one sheet is called imposition, and Acrobat won't do it out of the box (though there are many commercial plugins which add the feature, see and for examples). However if your printer driver supports imposition (usually through an option called n-up printing) then Acrobat will be happy to send the data and let the printer software handle the arrangements.
Registered: Jul 13 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks for your quick reply. GOV regs don't let us download outside software. However, I am using a Xerox WorkCentre 5030 PCL6 which in theory does n-up. I think I managed to get the desired effect.

Again, thanks. I really appreciate it.