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Printing to pdf

Registered: Jan 18 2010
Posts: 3

I have such trouble that then I want to print some doc to pdf then he automatically asks me to save the file - is it possible to change preferences so that I will just open this file in pdf and only then I decide should I save it or not.

I need it for documents which I open in pdf format and email themt further. Not always I need to save them in my computer.

Thnx for answering!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
A PDF document must be written to disk during the creation process. It is not possible for an external application to print to a PDF that exists only in RAM.
Registered: Jan 18 2010
Posts: 3
thnx UVSAR, but is it possible then to define auomatically one adress where he create such documents - i don`t wanna wte time to put the name to the file and save it to some place and so on. Ideal way is that he puts automatically in some place this file and if i need or want will save myself where I want after it`s opened aready
