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printing within activex control

Registered: Mar 13 2007
Posts: 6

I am tryng to embed the Adobe Activex control into a C# program. I can load and display pdf files, howerver when issue the PrintAll() function, adobe 8 reader window displays itself and sends the job to the printer. I have to in my code hide the adobe window shortly after it displays. It works, but it doesn't look professional, and I'm concerned about it breaking easily.

My Product Information:
Reader 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Perhaps you are not using the correct print function? PrintAll is a .Net function, not an Acrobat Print function. Take a look at the Acrobat IAC in the SDK. You'll find the documents here:


Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Mar 13 2007
Posts: 6
Ok, but that requires installing full blown Adobe Acrobat according to the IAC overview page 25. The software I'm writing is deployed to machines that do not have Acrobat installed. If I install Acrobat on my dev box, I can use the AcroExch.Avdoc interface instead of AxAcroPDFLib.
Registered: Mar 13 2007
Posts: 6
So my new question is this: If I put Acrobat on my dev box and use the AcroExch interface, do the machines I deploy this app to also need full Acrobat instead of just Acrobat Reader?