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Stop Acrobat from opening when printing to pdf

Registered: Sep 26 2007
Posts: 2

How do you stop Acrobat from automatically opening when you print to pdf from from another program? (v6.x)

Registered: Sep 27 2007
Posts: 84
If you're using the Adobe PDF printer (via file print) you would select Properties from the print window, then in the resulting window select the Adobe PDF Settings tab and uncheck the "View Adobe PDF results" check box.

If using the PDF maker option you would go to the Change Conversion Settings option from the Adobe PDF menu and uncheck the same "View Adobe PDF results" check box withing the Settings tab.
Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 10
I posted the opposite situation in the PDF Creation topic forum. I want the PDF to open after I generate it. I have selected the "View Adobe PDF results" check box, as well as the "View Generated PDF in Acrobat" check box to no avail.

What is the PDF maker option with the Change Conversion Settings option? I can't find it.
