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Touch up object - Photos in bands

Registered: Oct 12 2009
Posts: 4

I use the touch up object tool a lot in Acrobat 8 professional to pick a photo and edit it in Photoshop for gradation, contrast etc. This works 95% of the time.

The problem that sometimes occurs is when I click on a photo in Acrobat with the touch up object tool, it does not select the entire photo, only a strip of it. The photos is often divided into 4 or more "strips" that can each be clicked on and edited separately, but that doesn't help when you are trying to change the character of a whole photo.

It seems to happen more with photos where the PDF was created in ugh...Publisher.

Any suggestions?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.5, Macintosh
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
It's a common result of the Postscript distilling process when there's non-layered transparency on the page, and is designed to make the content easier to display. In PDF Optimizer there's a box for "detect and merge image fragments" to sew them together again, and an isolated fixup in the Preflight panel that does the same thing. It may not work 100% of the time if images overlap with other stuff, but it's good enough.
Registered: Oct 12 2009
Posts: 4
Good news - There was indeed a box to check called, "Detect and merge image fragments"

Bad News - It didn't work. I even eliminated all elements on the page but the photo with 4 "bands" in it to make sure it was not overlapping causing the problem but it still didn't work.

Note: I mentioned that it "usually" was PDFs created from Publisher but further investigation is it is ALWAYS PDFs from Publisher and occasionally Miscrosoft Word. Are we seeing a common thread here? (Microsoft) It also is an older version of Acrobat, 7.0 on the PC that creates the PDFs from Publisher. Another interesting note is that in this PDF file, created from Publisher, only 2 pages of it had photos with this problem, the other six were fine.

Does any of this additional forensic evidence help any?

Thanks for your help.
Registered: Feb 5 2010
Posts: 7
I have been experiencing same issue from MS Word. Also some images were OK and some were not. The Optimization tool "Detect and merge image fragments" did not work for me either.


Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
workaround: copy the graphic from the source (v.g., stand alone jpeg or jpeg embedded in MS word) and paste to the pdf that's under construction; adjust with touchup object tool. (of course, delete the "strips" before the paste). option: assemble the strips with photoshop and then paste the assembled graphic to the pdf.
Registered: Feb 5 2010
Posts: 7
Yep, that will work, but not practical with a 1000 page book with over 700 images.......
