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TouchUp Object Tool Missing

Registered: Apr 3 2009
Posts: 3

Is the TouchUp Object Tool (Advanced Editing Toolbar) available in
- Adobe 8.0 Standard
- Adobe 9.0 Standard
- Adobe 9.0 Pro

We need that tool and I'm trying to determine which upgrade to purchase.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.0, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
The TouchUp Object Tool is not available in Standard, only in Pro & Pro-Extended.
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
There's a features matrix for the Acrobat family [url=]here[/url] - it doesn't specifically list each tool, but you can see the concept of "edit stuff inside a PDF" only appears in Pro and APEX, under the row "Preview, preflight, correct, and prepare PDF files for high-end print production and digital publishing".