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Acrobat 9 flash video

Registered: Aug 22 2008
Posts: 3

Does Acrobat 9 provide less control over how a video is presented than in previous editions? For example, previously when I embedded a video I could make the popup sizable by user, give it a title, and make the 'original' video invisible, etc. But is any of that possible with 9 (unless one uses the legacy option)?

I'm relatively new to embedding videos so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious here.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Acrobat 9 has two options for embedding video. In the old method, the video was placed in what's called a screen annotation. This is a holding element that moderates between the media in the pdf and the player on the users system. So the player isn't in Acrobat, it's on the user's system. The screen annotation has all kinds of cool controls and it's very flexible. Unfortunately there were all kinds of compatibility problems because there are endless types of players and player versions, and you don't know what's on the users system.

The new way is to convert all media in to Flash and play it in the RichMedia Annotation. Acrobat 9 has a special version of the flash 9 player built into it. So there is never a problem with compatibility. Unfortunately it does not have a fraction of the flexibility of the old screen annotation. But I understand that Adobe is working on it. Maybe there will be an upgrade that has some of these features.

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