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Any way to have an FLV with NO poster?

Registered: Jan 22 2009
Posts: 7

I used to use the Movie tool to embed QuickTime video into my pdfs, but now I'm trying to take advantage of FLash in Acrobat 9 Pro. But there seems to be no setting for Use no poster, like there used to be in Acrobat 8.

I've tried using a different file for the poster, but they come in distorted and generally look worse that what I used to be able to do with the old movie tool and predesigned page graphics that would sit below a no-poster video hot-spot.

Have I missed something? Anybody have a workaround if I'm right?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Macintosh
Registered: Jan 22 2009
Posts: 7
Just found this in another thread:
"…Acrobat always generates a poster, if you would like the RMA to be invisible there are currently two solutions, Hide it behind somthing else (like a button) or replace the poster with an transparent gif. "

Tried the gif idea, which didn't work; the gif turned solid white when used. But a transparent PNG did work; yea!
Thanks, thomp.