This problem has baffled everyone I've talked to (that knows Adobe). I have created a PDF with video and audio in acrobat 9.3 (downloadable French program for homeschool). I have tested the pages in Reader X on my mac and everything works fine. I have a customer who can open the video w/sound just fine but keeps getting an error message when she tries to click on words with embedded audio files. The message is the following:
'The media requires an additional player. Please click 'get media player' to download the correct media player. To play the media, you will need to close and restart the application once the player installation is complete.'
When she tries to get the player she get an Adobe message saying there is no player that will support this media.
I use QuickTime audio files and they convert to what ever format Reader uses in the embed process. My understanding
is that Reader has it's own built in Players. I have read that Reader X only supports Mpeg 3. But if this is the case why does it work on my Reader X for Mac and not on hers for Windows. I doubled checked this on my daughters new HP laptop and the same message pops up.
Has anyone heard od a case where teh video works and the audio doesn't?
Thanks, perplexed in Quebec, Canada
If it was embedded as a "native" Rich Media annotation, it would play back in Flash Player inside Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9+, on Windows or Mac, and you'd never see that error.
With Acrobat 9 you can create native or legacy media annotations, but once embedded you can't change them.