Has anyone been able to simulate drag and drop in an exercise within Captivate? I need to be able to have trainees simulate dragging and dropping items into a slide.
You can now simulate scorable drag and drop interactions in Captivate 4 and Captivate 5 using the Drag and Drop Lite question widget from Infosemantics. Details here: http://www.infosemantics.com.au/catalog/widgets/question/wdgt_dragAndDropLite_AS3
To simulate dragging objects on a slide might present a challenge, but this widget will at least give you a shot at it. We hope to have an Interactive widget version in the near future that will allow even more flexibility.
Details here: http://www.infosemantics.com.au/catalog/widgets/question/wdgt_dragAndDropLite_AS3
To simulate dragging objects on a slide might present a challenge, but this widget will at least give you a shot at it. We hope to have an Interactive widget version in the near future that will allow even more flexibility.