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Create PDF from website - Flash and XML

Registered: Mar 31 2009
Posts: 12

OK. So I can create a PDF using File->Create PDF->From Web Page.. , and it sort of brings in my flash objects.
Any flash not requiring external resources seem to work OK. Those that have default values show the default values
when they don't seem to read the external config files.

If I use (Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended) the flash tool (Tools->Multimedia->Flash Tool) to select the object, and then right click for properties, the flash object from the website comes up with a Multimedia Properties Dialog box with Settings/Appearance/Actions tabs.

I can delete this Multimedia object, and manually insert a flash object from local files, and by using the advanced tab I can bring in all the resources and all works well. If I right click on the manually inserted flash item it comes up with an Edit Flash Dialog with Launch Settings/Flash/Resources tabs.

HOWEVER... I have to do that for each flash item? The website has a flash banner in the footer, and produces about 1250 pages. OUCH...

How do you convert this item (I assume acrobat saves it only once?) so I only have to do this process one time?
I'm new to creating PDF's with Acrobat, so I assume I'm just being ignorant at the moment...

Any advice?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1, Windows
Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
The new Richmedia feature in Acrobat 9 and creating a PDF from a web page are unfortunately not "linked" together, you do not get new Richmedia annotations from the SWF's in the web page, you get the "Legacy" multimedia type used in Acrobat 8 and earlier. That is why when you right click and select Properties for each of the two different types you get different options. The support for Flash in Acrobat 9 is much more robust and offers a lot more, but unfortunately there is no easy way to turn your web page assets into the new Richmedia annotation (that I am aware of).

For the banner at the footer you could copy and paste the Flash/Richmedia annotation onto each page, that is still "Ouch" but not as bad as going through the steps to re-create for each page...

Somebody who understands the Acrobat javascript may be able to write a javascript to do it but I am not sure.
Registered: Mar 31 2009
Posts: 12
Well that wasn't the answer I was hoping for, but at least it's an answer.

Fortunately my pages aren't so numerous on the server as it's DB driven, and I use smarty templates.
I can bring up a new website replace that footer swf with a self contained one. and remake the pdf from this special site. Then deal with the 2 or three other swf files with the method I stated in my first post.

Still a major pain to have to rewrite my flash, but less so than copy and pasting about a thousand times.
