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flash embedded in pdf always starts in focus

Registered: Jan 5 2010
Posts: 2

Hi there

I am hoping somebody might help me with this. I'm hoping it's a really simple thing, but I have scoured through Acrobat to try to find a preference but cant.

I have made a pdf with embedded swf files (which were put into Indesign first). I set the options to play on page turn and to repeat. When you come to one of the pages with a swf file on it, the swf file is in focus (it has a light dotted selection around it). This stops you from being able to hit page up/down, until you click somewhere on the page. This behaviour continues on every page that contains a swf file. It's annoying as I don't want there to be anything selected - it spoils the look of the pages!

Also, can you stop the prompt box from ever appearing that asks whether you want to play the interactive elements once or to remember for next time?

Thanks in advance for any assistance with this.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
Registered: Aug 18 2010
Posts: 1
Try Adobe CS5, which handles animated effect in PDFs according to the Adobe guy.