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How Do Embed a Flash Embed Source File? i.e. a playlist audio player

Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 25

I am trying to take a Flash based audio playlist player with a list of songs from a website that supplies the embed codes and place them into a PDF.

Here's the page with the player I want. Just below it, it gives me the player embed coding which is flash based.

I have tried just copying this information and using the Flash Multimedia tool in v.9 to paste in but it won't recognize it.

Need some assistance please.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.3.1, Macintosh
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
To embed a SWF into a PDF, you need either to download the SWF file itself and pick it from your computer, or enter the URL of the SWF file itself (i.e. a URL ending in ".swf") into the Insert Flash window in Acrobat. That will get the SWF into the file, but you then need to pass it all the configuration properties. You can specify the 'flashVars' variable during the insert process, but it's limited - as the example you're talking about uses about as complex a set of FlashVars as you're ever likely to see, it may not copy and paste too well - but first you'll have to paste the embed code from the website into a text editor and cut out the two bits you need - the URL of the SWF, and the (very long) FlashVars string.
Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 25
Thanks for the reply, I really have very little knowledge about Flash coding.

I did copy and paste the Flash swf part into the main url but it just provided the controller but not the playlist content.

I also tried to place the rest of the code into the vars but nothing worked.

Any ideas on how this should be coded into the acrobat UI?

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
You'll find some free players, totally customizable, here :

You can embed them into PDFs, as this PDF-iPod :
(clic the yellow link to download)
