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How do you enter full screen flash video from an Acrobat button?

Registered: Oct 21 2008
Posts: 2

How can one activate full screen video from the new Rich Media Annotation without having to right click on the flashplayer's context menu? I want to do this via a PDF button instead.

I have embedded a swf file that loads an external FLV from a URL.

The swf that loads the flash video uses the AS2 FLVplayback component.

I have successfully set up communication between my embedded swf file and Acrobat using Externalinterface and callAS. I can initiate various actions between the parent PDF and the embedded swf file. But my calls to go full screen fail.

On the Flash side I have the following ActionScript:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

function startActions()
Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";
myTxt.text = "Some changed text"

var myConnect = ExternalInterface.addCallback("startActions", null, startActions);

And on a PDF button the following Javascript:

var annot = getAnnotsRichMedia(1)[0]; // media is on the second page of the PDF
annot.callAS( "startActions");

All the actions except full screen work.

Other things I have tried which also fail but seem to indicate full screen video can only be initiated on the Acrobat side:

(a) Using AS2 code to add full screen activation into the context menu of the swf file, and then setting "Pass context menu click to flash movie" in the Flash tab of the Rich Media annotations editing panel.

This does bypass Acrobat's default context menu in favor of the swf's native one, but oddly, the full screen item is grayed out as soon as the movie is activated.

(b) Using an AS3 FLVplayback component which has a full screen button already coded into the controller bar. Clicking on it once the swf is brought into Acrobat, however, does nothing.

So. Is it possible to create a PDF button that will put a swf Rich Media Annotation into full screen without having to use Acrobat's right click context menu? How does one accomplish this?

I'm using Flash CS3 and Acrobat Extend Pro. And I prefer to use AS2 for a solution, if possible.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
Unfortunately I do not think there is a way to put the RichMedia annotation into Full Screen mode from a script/button. The embedded Flash player will not allow full screen mode (Actionscript external interface calls with hook to full screen will fail) which is part of the security design, it has to be done from the PDF side but there is no javascript API for the Richmedia annoation to go full screen.