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How to track the name and data of attached ".csv" file in the PDF

Registered: Jun 3 2008
Posts: 2


I want to parse the ".csv" file data which is attached in the acrobat9.0 pdf to the SWFwhich is embedded in the same PDF.

How can i track the attached files name and its data?

Is there any function in acrobat javascript to find it?



Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
If the ".csv" file is attached to the SWF. Then this doesn't have anything to do with Acrobat. It's the SWF that has to do the parsing, and tracking of it's own resources.

However, if you mean "How can a SWF in a Rich Media Annot communicate with the JavaScript on the PDF in order to access files attached to the PDF", then this can be done. There is a bridge between JavaScript in the PDF and ActionScript in the Rich Media Annot. This is not simple and you'll just have to wait for the documentation in the SDK for 9.

Getting access to attachements from Acrobat JavaScript has been around for a while. Look up the "Data" object in the Acrobat JavaScript Reference. Also look up the function in the Document Object that access and manipulate the Data Object.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script