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Insert Flash vid of Powerpoint preso in Word, degraded quality in PDF

Registered: Nov 5 2009
Posts: 3

Hi everyone,

I'm adding a Flash vid of a 3-slide Powerpoint sequence (all text) to a Word doc, then converting to PDF. But in the vid in PDF, the text is really degraded. I've tried resizing the original and the inserted, and tried wmv format, to no avail.

EDIT: I just discovered it's actually resizing as it inserts (even though I've set it to snap to container of original). The degradation I'm seeing is consistent with a badly resized image (of text). I read somewhere else that this auto-resizing is a known problem. Still investigating...

When I play the Flash vid in QuickTime, the text quality is fine.

Also, when I insert an actual wmv video (of people), that looks fine in the PDF.

I'm using Acrobat 9 Pro Extended (v9.0) and Word 2007. (I'm downloading v9.2 now...)

Any help much appreciated!

Glenn Murray

Glenn Murray
Divine Write

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Depending on the place you insert the video, it will end up either as a "proper" Acrobat 9 Flash object, or a legacy multimedia object - the latter causes conversions and losses in quality, and normally happens with videos inserted via the authoring application.

It's worth trying to insert it directly in Acrobat - leave the space on the page empty in Word, send it to PDF, then use Acrobat's Insert Flash button to draw a region and drop in the SWF.
Registered: Nov 5 2009
Posts: 3
Thanks for your response, UVSAR. Unfortunately, the object is resizing when I insert it directly into the PDF too.

I tried a similar vid with some text in it last night, but this time in .mov format. It seemed ok, so I'm going to try that format for my slides, and see what happens. Will keep you updated.


Glenn Murray
Divine Write