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"Loop after last page" in "Page Transitions" menu

Registered: Apr 19 2007
Posts: 3

I am using Acrobat Pro. 8 on Mac & trying to find out Menu facility or JavaScript, so that I can run my slideshow pdf on Acrobat Reader 8 on PC with "Loop after last page". I can open the .pdf file in full screen mode and I have given Page Transition effect by using menu "Advanced->Document Processing->Page Transitions".
But I am unable to find the facility like "Loop after last page" in "Page Transitions" menu or anywhere else in Acrobat Pro 8.

I really appreciate if you help me finding command or JavaScript "Loop after last page" for a pdf file.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You can set the application preference for a loop under the full screen category, but this has to be set by each user and applies to all full screen PDF's.

For a given PDF, one can create a doucment level script to force to full screen and loop:

app.fs.isFullScreen = true; // force to full screen
app.fs.loop = true; // loop after last slide

There are additional properties for the "fs" object listed in the Acrobat JavaScript Reference.

George Kaiser