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media in acrobat

Registered: Jul 12 2007
Posts: 3

how can we play swf within acrobat document - we do not want it to open externally.
When embedded, our flash file (.swf) does not load linked mc

My Product Information:
Reader 7.0.5, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
I assume you've used the Movie tool to create a placeholder for the swf. You've checked your Multimedia Preference and made sure the Adobe Flash Player is listed. If you've done these thing and all is correct, you can begin setting the content type and rendition settings.

This should solve the problem.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Jul 12 2007
Posts: 3
Thanks Eugene
Yes, we set everything as you suggested but still no expected result. The problem may be in swf. The swf has a navigation buttons which load different swf into movie clip placeholder depending on users choice leaving top layer navigation buttons visible. It is those subordinate swf's that do not play in Acrobat.
BTW. The client demands that the final presentation is delivered in Acrobat.


Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
In Acrobat 9 one of the new features is embedding Flash, there is no longer any requirement to have any external player installed and the SWF is embedded on the page. It also supports Flash resources and FlashVars. You will be able to accomplish your goal in previous versions as Eugene describes but Acrobat 9 makes it much easier.