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media playing in acrobat 9, urgent

Registered: Nov 13 2008
Posts: 5

i've built a pdf wich contains a film (mpeg). this film ist set up to play in a loop.
it does play in a loop but from time to time it suddenly stops. it's running on a mac.
before we had the pdf on a mac, the whole show was running on a pc.
we had that problem already on the pc, but not that often.
on the mac it stops, let's say every 10 min.

the mpeg is 139 MB.

i tried already to embed a flv., but the film is not smoothly playing.

that pdf is made for a receptionscreen in a company and is playing the whole day.

can anybody tell me how to fix that problem.

thanks for any input

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
Did you disable the screensaver and/or the energy saver ?
Registered: Nov 13 2008
Posts: 5
Hi Merlin,

thank's for your input.

Yes i disabled the screensaver and i found out, that the same
pdf with a "smaller" film works. Means instead of 139 MB i tried the same pdf with a smaller version of the film (about 70MB) and i have no stopps anymore.

Do you have any ideas why this is?

Because the smaller version has of course less quality

thanks for reply
Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
My experience has been that Flash has a problem playing large files (over 100 or so MB). This may have improved with Flash player 10 but Acrobat is using Flash Player 9. Large Flash movies online use Flash Media Server.

Is the MPEG H.264 encoded?

Are you using Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro Extended? I am guessing you are using Acrobat Pro and not Pro Extended (which can convert the MPEG to an FLV) since Acrobat Pro Extended is Windows only... If you are using Acrobat Pro and the MPEG is not H.264 then Acrobat is not using the new Richmedia feature (playback in embedded Flash player) it is using the older media tools and relies on the media player on the users system. You will get more reliable/consistent playback using the new Richmedia feature and in Acrobat Pro Extended that covers a much larger set of file types (it supports transcoding of several file types to FLV).

Transcoding the MPEG to FLV and embedding the FLV should work but you say it did not play smoothly, what was the FLV created with?