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Multimedia Trust

Registered: Jun 9 2008
Posts: 15

Is there any way to turn-off the Multimedia trust dialogue that pops up on all new documents? It really is off-putting to receivers. When we're sharing PDFs between colleagues and known clients and you've seen a recognisible email address, and read the email from somone you know, you are opening a trusted document, so there's no need for the Multimedia Trust. I would like to be able to turn off the warning for any new PDF I create and send out, so that my recipients never have to see it when they open it. Is this possible please?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi PDFisthe4future,

I'm pretty sure Adobe would disagree with you on the "trusted doc simply because it comes from someone you know." Plenty of people unknowingly send "bad" things to people they know and trust. I agree the trust dialogs can be annoying but it is no different than the dozens I see all the time using common internet browser apps.

There are solutions to get rid of the security warnings, but they may also be off-putting for your clients/colleagues. One is to use certified documents. In order for that to work all end users will need to install the cerificate on their system. There are also some trust parameters that can be set in Acrobat's preferences to trust files from a specific location, as well as some things you can do with JS ( too complex to detail here). All of these require you to ask your clients and colleagues to install something on their system or change their Acrobat set-up.

I agree with you on the hassle factor, but disagree that Adobe should just open the door for those few that want to ruin the internet for the many.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jun 9 2008
Posts: 15
Look, doubtless there are disturbed individuals for every facet of life, whose warped intent it is to spread their misery. But taking yours and Adobe's logic, we should all carry fire-arms and employ the services of a food-taster in case we get poisoned, etc etc. The thing is this: WE decide how much protection we take, no one else. Every aspect of life, including the internet has a security flaw, but the precautions are not forced on us, we have a choice. We can choose which security settings we have in our browsers. It's paranoia beyond belief and makes the PDFs with multimedia look ugly, these things should be a choice not forced.

There are many people and companies who create their own audio and video, so .."unknowingly pass on.." no sorry, not always.
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi PDFisthe4future,

Just have to comment that my and Adobe's logic is not identical- I don't work for Adobe and have no "real" insight into their security team's logic- I just get to see the end result like you. My thoughts follow more along the lines of this-

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jun 9 2008
Posts: 15
Well yes, but again, I have to say that I choose what I am paranoid about. For instance I wash my hands every time I come home, paranoid about all the bugs I've picked up, I'm paranoid about other drivers and so on, but I choose, it's not forced on me, this is my point. Adobe are forcing us not to Trust everybody.

This isn't even a security issue, it's a Trust issue, it's about: Do you trust the contents of this document? Imagine if every web site was forced to have this warning for every visitor. There would be such an uproar and thousands of businesses and jobs would suffer.

I agree to the principle of the Trust dialogue but when it's forcing my colleagues and clients to question the validity of my work in every new document I send, then I would rather not have it, it could be harming my business and reputation. I can predict now, that in 10 years adobe will be running the Phone company, and every time you answer the phone you hear this recorded message from Adobe, "Do you really want to take this call? The person calling you may be disturbed and you could be in danger, please say Yes to accept or No to decline the call"
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi PDFisthe4future,

Here is a blurb on the new security model in Acrobat 9 (not available yet, but coming soon) that you may find interesting-

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jun 9 2008
Posts: 15
Thanks for that, this seems to be much better thought-through, there had to be options with this idea.