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Using "Captivate" swf file

Registered: Apr 20 2009
Posts: 10

I have created and swf using "Adobe Capivate"
The swf file has a skin, that includes a play/stop/close etc buttons.

When I insert an swf file within my pdf, none of the the buttons within the skin work
How can I get them to work?

I am on a Mac OSX 10.5.5
Acrobat Pro 9.1
Captivate 4.1
(so the latest in all)

Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.

Demir : )

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1, Macintosh
Registered: Apr 20 2009
Posts: 10
Ok - I exported my swf file to a later version of Flash (flash 10)
Now the buttons work, but the exit/close button on the skin still doesn't work

This is the one that's most important!
anyone know how to fix?
; )
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Perhaps the information down this link will help.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Apr 20 2009
Posts: 10
Thanks, interesting to read.
I've got the skin and animation as one swf file,
but the close/exit button still does not work!
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Not sure what you're expecting the close button to do - inside a PDF page, the concept of "closing" a Flash asset is meaningless. You can tell Acrobat to disable the SWF asset (reverting to the poster image) but that's a function with context within the PDF, not within the SWF, so won't be triggered by any pre-built SWF "close" button that's expecting to talk to a browser window.
Registered: Apr 20 2009
Posts: 10
my client wants to have the swf in a "floating window"
But the close window button on the top right is not visible enough. It's very hidden, so I need the close button on the swf skin to close the pdf floating window.
PDF Creative
Registered: Aug 23 2009
Posts: 29
Does this help?

If the web revolutionsied business and entertainment, the PDF is revolutionising "the document"