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Video in Acrobat 9 Extended version

Registered: Jan 23 2008
Posts: 2

I understand it is possible to imbed video files which are then converted to flash an imbedded in a PDF (Acrobat 9 Extended version). What video file types may be converted in Acrobat 9 Extended and are there any other parameters? Thank you

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Ali Hanyaloglu has answered a post similar to yours at:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Aug 4 2008
Posts: 3
I have two problems. I wonder if they're related.

1. When I try to insert a mpg video into a PDF file using Acrobat 9 Extended, I get the audio portion but not the video.

2. When I try to insert a video clip into Powerpoint with "Insert movie from file and convert to Flash Video Format," I receive this error message:

"Could not find flash player activeX control. Please install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer."

Would be grateful for any thoughts or suggestions.

Thanks, Grant
Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
Responded here:
Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
Regarding the original question I attempted to answer the file type question here: