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2 signatures on fillable form and lock form from changes possible?

Kimberly R
Registered: Jul 9 2009
Posts: 3

I have a form with several fillable fields and two signature fields.

It's a cover sheet to a report that it's merged with. The first person fills the form out, merges it with the report and signs it. Then a second person checks the report and signs the form saying that it's correct.

The problem is: I've found that only the first person can certify the document but there isn't an option to allow a second signature while not allowing changes to the fillable fields. If I certify the document and not allow changes, the second person can't sign. If I allow the second person to sign then there are changes still able to be made to the form fields.

I've tried password protection but have come across the issue that I can't password protect against changes if there are signatures on the form and I can't sign a password protected form.

If someone can help me figure out if it's possible to have a form with two signatures and then lock the form from changes (and how to do it), you'd be my HERO!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 6.0, Windows
smitchell15 (not verified)
Your in luck! I did this the other day for a project i was working on!

The key to geting two (or more) signatures at once is to first draw the signature fields. Once created, you can ctrl-click/right click the field and choose properties. In the signed tab you can can specify what action you want the signature to do such as lock the fields down. You can then certify/sign the document how you wish and you can still get a secondary signature. Hope this helps!
Kimberly R
Registered: Jul 9 2009
Posts: 3
It worked perfectly!!! Huge thanks to my hero :)
smitchell15 (not verified)
Cool, really glad it worked for you :-)