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About digital certificate

Registered: Nov 19 2009
Posts: 2

Hi, I have a question here.

I create a self-signed digital certificate (ID) using acrobat 8 professional, and this certificate is valid for 5years. But, I just want it is valid for 3 years or 1years, how could I get it?


waiting for your help.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.7, Windows
Registered: Jul 10 2009
Posts: 40

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the ability to control the validity period isn't something that's available. All you have is limited control over the distinguished name, the key usage, and the size of the key.

It might be a mistake opening this can of worms, but if you really need a digital ID with a shorter lifespan you would need to either purchase one from a Certificate Authority, or you could create one using a free tool such as OpenSSL, but the learning curve could be a bit steep (hence the proverbial can of worms).


Steven Madwin
Software QA Engineer
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue, MS-W15
San Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA
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Steven [dot] Madwin [at] adobe [dot] com