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Digital Ink

Registered: Nov 14 2007
Posts: 63

I have a question. If you have a tablet PC and you create a PDF form using adobe acrobat pro (with blessed rights), are you able to have an end user sign his signature onto the pdf using the stylus on the pc tablet. AND THE BIG KICKER...IS IT LEGAL?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420

Fundamentally, the answer to both your questions is "yes".

Specific aspects in your legal venue (State, Nation, etc) would best be determined by legal counsel.

While signing, with a Wacom tablet, is possible; the specifics of configuring your tablet pc would have to be noodled out.

An article that you may find of interest:

--| PDF documents with digital signatures.
--| Digitally signed using a Wacom tablet.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Nov 14 2007
Posts: 63

Thank you for response, however that is a little more complimated then what I am trying to accomplish. I am in a office of 10 people. If I created a form in acrobat 8 or 9 with blessed rights and I have a PC Tablet, is there a way for clients to sign my PC Tablet capture their signature legally onto my created PDF Form? Is Acrobat Digital Ink Ready? just like you can create a Digital Signature field.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi grandxprix,

The plethora of documents (and their content) at Adobe's Acrobat Developer Center - Security
make it a reasonable conclusion that Acrobat supports a "digital ink" methodology.

As a signature is, essentially, someone's "mark" that signifies "intent" it seems to me the real issue is one of establishing sustainable legal protocols rather than issues of technology.

A search of the web using "legality of electronic signatures" returns many interesting articles. Most pertinent are those from the legal community.

Simplistically, it comes down to having a very solid chain of custody that can be independently audited. Your saying that some particular image is someone's signature does not necessarily make it so in a court of law.
Can you prove no unauthorized access, tampering, usage? Can you prove, for authorized access, file transfer, other "admin" activities who did what when? And so on...
The legal burden is yours, eh.

Before expending monies on obtaining and setting up the "technology" you really need to get together with a law practice that specializes in the legal issues associated with electronic signatures that are operative for your situation.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Nov 14 2007
Posts: 63
Thank you Daka,

I am a Real estate agent, and I guess I will wait until the banks, closing attornies, title companies, etc start using digital signatures first then incorporate.

Thank you,