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Digital Signing Error

Registered: Aug 22 2007
Posts: 24

I have been having a problem with Adobe digital signing and it has just started to be a problem recently. Seems when signing a document, typically from a Word Perfect generated PDF, the signer gets an error message which says "The document could not be signed. There was an error when attempting to commit this signature. The document was not saved. The save operation was cancelled." This just started to happen. It seems to have become a constant problem. Is there a Adobe certificate or some other control setting which has expired? It seems to happen with Ver 7.0.9 also. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.0.3, Windows
Registered: Jul 26 2007
Posts: 49
Create anew (test) user on the system and login as the new user. can you reproduce the error as a new user?

if not try deleting the following folder from the main user account:
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto

launch acrobat and see if the error still occurs.

EMEA Acrobat Technical Support