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How to create a signature that will auto repeat on a multi-page pdf

Registered: Jun 12 2009
Posts: 3

I have searched high and low and have not found a tutorial or discussion addressing this topic. I hope this post will give me some leads.

I have a 90 page pdf file that must have the same signature, name, and date on every page. Is there a way to sign, stamp, or insert the signature onto the first page and have it automatically appear on the remaining pages? The signature does not have to have security, so a stamp would work. But if a repeating signature is possible, it would be the best way to go.

I thought I could create form fields for the printed name, signature, and date. Then somehow link the reoccuring fields to automatically reflect the information entered into the very first fields completed. Doing this as a form is ideal for the purpose I have to use the file for since the document has to be completed by hundreds of individuals.

I only have Acrobat 9.0 standard, so is an upgrade necessary? Or what plug-ins do I need. I attemped using print2pd 8 to try and acheive the result I am looking for, but I was only disappointed. It could only offer a footer of header result which is not what I hoped for.


Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
investigate and experiment with
1) button tool -- after creating it (lots of settings for appearance and behavior), right click on the button and select 'duplicate'
2) watermarks -- create and apply to all pages
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Acroabt digital signatures are applied to the entire form and not just a page. The digital signature not only can can be shown on a page, but it can also verify that a PDF has not been changed since that signature has been applied. If you are allowing mulitple users to sign the form, only the last signature will certify no changes , as applying a signature is a change to the form.

George Kaiser