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Passwords on Acrobat Pro X

Registered: Jul 13 2011
Posts: 2

The company I work for is working on a project to create secure forms.
We want to be able to create a form, distribute it with individual passwords so that we can send it to many different people and they could perhaps put their personal information in place and have a password for them and us to access the PDF but no one else could.
I know you can put passwords on in X but that appears to only be for editing purposes as it will not allow us to distribute the file afterwards.
Can any one please advise?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.1, Macintosh
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Jul 11 2011
Posts: 389
Accepted Answer
This can be accomplished through Digital Signatures. There is a wealth of information on creating and using them in the link below. Scroll down and check out some of the Technical White papers:

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Community Expert
Certified Technical Trainer+

Registered: Jul 13 2011
Posts: 2
Great i'll have a look at that as soon as possible and see if that's what we're after.

I'll let you know.

