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PDF Paaword Setup

Registered: Sep 30 2009
Posts: 19


I am working in a Financial Company, We are dealing lots of transactions every day we use to communicate to the Investors also.

We will send the transactions as a PDF file to the investors everyday on need basis. Generally we wont keep any password in the PDF. Now i am planing to keep password for the file and will share the same to Clients.

We are using only Adobe Reader.

Do i really need Acrobat Professional Full Version for this purpose? or is there any other alternative way like Batch Processing. or is there any tool for keeping password in the PDF.

Please suggest.

Saravanan B

My Product Information:
Reader 9.0, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
No problemo.
You can apply a password when creating the PDF : using PDFCreator, when exporting from OpenOffice, etc.
