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Red X on Digital Signature

Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 138

I have created an electronic workflow form with Digital Signatures. When the last signature is applied to the form everything looks good. When I close the form open it back up and click on the last signature block ONLY to check the Signature Validation Status the the Green Check and Pen change to a Red X and Pen.

Can anyone tell me why this is happening?? Nothing is being changed on the form so why is this changing just by clicking on the Signature block.

Thanks in advance for your response.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Sep 11 2008
Posts: 11
Just to make sure... the form was created also in Acrobat 8?

I've experienced some similar problems (valid signatures appearing as invalid) with Acrobat 9 forms being opened on Adobe Acrobat/Reader 8.

[color=darkblue][b]Cristian Thiago Moecke[/b]
LabSEC - UFSC - Brazil[/color]

Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 138
Yes. The form was created using Acrobat 8.

I think I have found the problem. When I sign the document it locks all the fields but also executes a script. When I click a second time the script executes which gives me the Red X. Take the script off, the signature stays valid.

I just have to combine the locking of the fields and the script into 1 script that is executed when the signature is applied.

