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Removing e-mail attach fuctionality

Registered: Aug 1 2007
Posts: 4

Anyone know how to remove or disable the e-mail attach button using Acrobat Pro 8.1?

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
You can't prevent users from attaching a PDF to email; however, you can remove the menu item. See the answer to the following post at: … view/2623/

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
With work one can remove this from being displayed the application's menu bar or as a tool bar button, but can not disable the shortcut key or restoring the menu bar or tool bars.

[url=]Help, please? Disable email[/url] and [url=]Disable e-mail attach button[/url]. Both require modifying each user's computer either by adding additional JavaScript to the Acorbat/Reader application's JavaScript folder or editing the system's registry and either method will affect every PDF opened.

George Kaiser

Acrobat 9Adobe EmployeeExpertTeam
Registered: Jan 30 2006
Posts: 30
As Lori correctly mentioned, there's nothing to stop someone from attaching the PDF to an email message in an email application.

If the intention to disable to email button in Acrobat or Reader is to prevent it from being forwarded on to others, then you should consider using Document Center or LiveCycle Rights Management to lock the document to an individual, or use certificate-based security. That way the document can be forwarded many times, but it's useless unless someone has the right credentials to open it. In addition, with Document Center or LCRM, you can revoke access to the document at any time.


Ali Hanyaloglu

Ali Hanyaloglu
Adobe Systems Incorporated

Registered: Feb 16 2011
Posts: 1
Hi Ali,
Can you please tell me how can I disable, and not hide, the email and print buttons on acrobat reader toolbar when I open a PDF?
Actually, before rendering the form on browser I want to pass the it through Rights Management in LC ES 2. But can you please tell me which service and operation of Rights Management should I use so that when a user opens a document in browser then it's email and print buttons are disabled in toolbar?

Thanks & Regards,