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Registered: Apr 23 2008
Posts: 2

When a pdf is password protected how secure is it in a e-mail to another customer. Customer knows the password however if the e-mail is hacked or pick up by another person how secure is it?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: May 1 2008
Posts: 7
If there was ONLY an owner password, then yes, an unscrupulous piece of
software could totally ignore all security in the PDF. If you had a user
password, this is NOT the case.
In addition to security, if the PDFs are important enough to try to hide from prying eyes, they are also important enough to apply a digital signature. This signature proves the doc is from you, date and time created (from outside server, not local computer which is too easy to fake). Most importantly, the signature will be 'broken' if anything is changed in the PDF (which is very easy)
Hope this helps
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
I would not be using password security for a single user, but would use the digitial certificate method.

George Kaiser