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Signing a PDF

Registered: Apr 26 2007
Posts: 35


I've created a PDF document which is a consent form to release information. When the person fills in the fields, they need to sign the document.

How do I go about having a person sign the document? The digital signature in Adobe appears to me that I need to have a signature to apply to the document. Well, this form is on a website which can be completed by anyone.

Can people sign a PDF once they download it?


Registered: Jun 7 2007
Posts: 3
Hi there!

I think that anyone can sign a document, but if you don't know about a person beforehand - i.e. if there hasn't been a transfer of the signer's public certificate information to you - the signature will have no meaning because you won't be able to confirm its veracity.

In order to trust their public certificate information, you'll have to actually know that the signer is the person who sent it to you or get it from a trusted source.

Good luck!
Registered: Sep 13 2007
Posts: 4
To verify a signature, you do not have to choose to trust the person's certificate explicitly, nor do you need their certificate in advance. You could instead just choose to trust the root authority their certificate is certified by. For example, if they are using a Thawte Freemail cert, you could import the "Thawte Personal Freemail CA" and set Adobe to trust it for "signing" and "ceritified documents".

The Adobe crypto can follow up the trust chain from there to see that their certificate is valid.